Good Idea, Inc.

GOOD IDEA, INC., is located in Virginia Beach, we are a company that rents houses and have always been deeply involved in residential and commercial real estate. When people say I need to rent a house, they go to a real estate company that requires you to fill out a lot of forms. Our company has successfully and personally taken care of the public. We are local and you can reach us by calling (757) 285-1234.

Our Mission is to answer questions fast,  and provide quick service to solve problems. If you prefer you can email the contact form below.

What is the address of the rental unit you are interested in?

Tell us in years and months, how long you have lived at this current address

Telll us why you want to leave. ie. more space, landlord or maintenance issues, closer to work, downsizing, etc.

Complete City, State and zip code of your current employer

Enter the number of years and months employed here

Tell us your monthly income from this employer

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Answer yes or no

answer yes or no

answer yes or no

Name of bank who issued your debit or credit card

What is the address of the rental unit you are interested in?

Tell us in years and months, how long you have lived at this current address

Telll us why you want to leave. ie. more space, landlord or maintenance issues, closer to work, downsizing, etc.

Complete City, State and zip code of your current employer

Enter the number of years and months employed here

Tell us your monthly income from this employer

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Dollar amount and source of any Social Security Income, Disability Income, Court ordered child support, annuitys, retirement income, etc.

Answer yes or no

answer yes or no

answer yes or no

Name of bank who issued your debit or credit card

Name of Co-signer and their relationship

I hereby authorize Robert J. Good, Good Idea, Inc., their agents or assignees to access all my personal financial information. To include but not limited to, all credit reporting agencies, credit card companies, banks, CU. Mortgages, insurance, Federal and State income tax returns and information from dept of Motor Vehicles. This document may be reproduced for reference from more than one source and I direct that all agencies accept a photocopy or facsimile copy with the same authority as an original. I personally guarantee all debts and understand that this information will be used in conjunction with my debts.

I hereby authorize Robert J. Good, Good Idea, Inc., their agents or assignees to access all my personal financial information. To include but not limited to, all credit reporting agencies, credit card companies, banks, CU. Mortgages, insurance, Federal and State income tax returns and information from dept of Motor Vehicles. This document may be reproduced for reference from more than one source and I direct that all agencies accept a photocopy or facsimile copy with the same authority as an original. I personally guarantee all debts and understand that this information will be used in conjunction with my debts.