If you have ever been to a courthouse auction, you will be surprised at the many times a homeowner will save their house at the last minute. Presenting a certified check to the auctioneer can be done, but why wait until the last minute. There are other options available. Below are some thoughts.
1. You can list the property for sale with an agent. You will need to tell your mortgage company that your trying to sell it, often they will work with you. Sometimes delaying monthly payments. But be advised, mortgage companies and bank are tricky. They will try to squeeze you for more interest payments only to close in on you at the last minute. Get someone experienced, to coach you through this. Never pay anyone money upfront.
2. Use a short sale strategy – Again you will need someone experienced with quit claim deeds, short sales, and deed in lieu, Please never pay anyone upfront.
3. Sell it yourself very quickly to avoid the foreclosure. This the best and least painful way to get those payments off your back. There are plenty of buyers so long as your not unrealistic about the price.
If you would like free information on how to avoid bad credit and avoid the foreclosure call me at (757) 285-1234
Bob Good